I am having trouble restoring my instance using a dump. When I run the restore command, I do not get an opportunity to confirm the restore process. Instead, it immediately ends. You can see this in the timestamps.
2024-11-21T05:52:16Z: INFO ▶ 001 No config file found, using default or config from environment variables.
2024-11-21T05:52:16Z: INFO ▶ 002 Running migrations…
2024-11-21T05:52:16Z: INFO ▶ 06a Ran all migrations successfully.
2024-11-21T05:52:16Z: WARNING ▶ 06b Restoring a dump will wipe your current installation!
2024-11-21T05:52:16Z: WARNING ▶ 06c To confirm, please type 'Yes, I understand' and confirm with enter:
2024-11-21T05:52:16Z: CRITICAL ▶ 06d could not read confirmation message: EOF
I am trying to restore it with this comand using an alias :
eugen@km-vsv-24:~/vikunja$ vikunja-docker restore files/dump.zip
2024-11-21T11:30:49Z: INFO ▶ 001 No config file found, using default or config from environment variables.
2024-11-21T11:30:49Z: INFO ▶ 002 Running migrations…
2024-11-21T11:30:49Z: INFO ▶ 06a Ran all migrations successfully.
2024-11-21T11:30:49Z: WARNING ▶ 06b Restoring a dump will wipe your current installation!
2024-11-21T11:30:49Z: WARNING ▶ 06c To confirm, please type 'Yes, I understand' and confirm with enter:
2024-11-21T11:30:49Z: CRITICAL ▶ 06d could not read confirmation message: EOF