Export data didin't work

Frontend Version: 0.18.2
API Version: v0.18.1

When I export it appears that it worked, but it doesn’t send me anything by email.


|2022-02-12T17:08:59.558145413Z: DEBUG|▶ models/Handle de0 Starting to export user data for user 1...|
|2022-02-12T17:08:59.761854531Z: DEBUG|▶ models/Handle e81 Done exporting user data for user 1...|

Do you have a mailer configured? Can you verify the email was sent (from your mail server) and didn’t land in your spam folder?

What do you mean with a mailer? If it’s a email set to the account, yes I have set an email. It’s not in the spam too.

Vikunja needs to be able to send email. In order to do that, you need to configure a mail server (internally, this is called mailer). Check out the docs about this: Config options | Vikunja

If you have it configured you can verify it works with the vikunja testmail command.

When Vikunja is started, do you see a message like the following in the logs?

Mailer seems to be not configured! Please see the config docs for more details.

Ah. Kind of confusing, this is not very clear in the classic docker run example and when you try to export without the mailer configured, at least one error message should appear. You have to do this to export your data, which to me seems like a basic feature. In my opinion the ideal would be to have the user admin (also because when you access vikunja frontend there is an option to register and I don’t want just anyone to create an account) and he can export the data (on the fly as download), organize the users and grant permissions.

@kolaente How can I “manually” do a backup of my data. What the export function pick to backup. What directory?

There’s a setting for that: Config options | Vikunja

If you only want to back up all Vikunja data, you’re probably looking for the vikunja dump cli command: CLI | Vikunja

The data export file is put in the files directory you configured.

Vikunja dump returns this:
Config File "config" Not Found in "[/app/vikunja /etc/vikunja /root/.config/vikunja]"

Are you using docker? Where are your logs going, to stdout or in a file?

Yes. Using docker logs vikunja… But in this case I don’t call the logs, just use the command and it returns me that.

What is your log level? Do you get any meantingful output if you set it to debug? (restart the container afterwards)

The command uses the logs as output mechanism. I suspect the dump is created successfully, but the message is not shown because of the log level it is set to.

Config File “config” Not Found in “[/app/vikunja /etc/vikunja /root/.config/vikunja]”
Using default config.

INFO :arrow_forward: migration/Migrate 048 Ran all migrations successfully.
INFO :arrow_forward: models/RegisterReminderCron 049 Mailer is disabled, not sending reminders per mail
INFO :arrow_forward: models/RegisterOverdueReminderCron 04a Mailer is disabled, not sending overdue per mail
INFO :arrow_forward: dump/Dump 04b Start dumping config file…
CRITICAL :arrow_forward: cmd/func4 04c error saving config file: open : no such file or directory

Mhh that looks like a bug. I’ll take a look.

The zip is “created” but is totally empty(yes I have lists, tasks and etc).

Just pushed a fix in 8cb92b3924. Please check with the next unstable build once the CI released it if it fixes your issue (~30 min).

I build the version and this bugs seems to be fixed, however when I try to export it returns me:
ERROR :arrow_forward: handler/Migrate 163 no data file provided
Witch is strange since the zip contains either database and files.

You mean when you run vikunja dump?

Oh sorry, the export works fine, but when I try to import it

Are you importing via the web ui? The dump from the vikunja dump command can only be used with the vikunja restore command.

The cli command puts everything from all users in a zip file. Usually you want to do this as a backup. The web ui method is primarily for use cases where the user isn’t the admin or wants to migrate their Vikunja data between instances.

Oh, I tough that vikunja dump was the same thing as vikunja export in the web ui.