Text wrap on lists


Is there a way to get the text to wrap to the next line in a list? In the example below, the task gets cut off if it’s too long. Is there a way to get it to wrap? This is one of the things that is preventing my wife from switching over with me.

Currently there’s no way to do this.

There’s been an issue about this on GitHub: The name of a To-do item is not visible fully when on mobile · Issue #84 · go-vikunja/frontend · GitHub

Thanks for the response. Any chance its being considered for the near future? I see its marked as an enhancement.

I’ve implemented breaking the title after 4 lines in a446310986. That should be a good middle ground between too much text and readability.

Please check with the next unstable build if that works for you.

Yes! That looks so much better. Thank you.