Search based on text in task comments

Hi, I am trying this program by self-hosting. I like it , here I want to know if there is a option in search part for comments info ? Thanks !

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I use Typesense as search engine and, not totally as expected, but it works!

First time I’ve added comment and tried to search for the word the results were not there, but then I returned couple of hours later and the results are there.

I assume there’s some schedule on which Typesense indexes the comments, not sure what it is exactly though.

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Hi, I will try, thanks. I wonder if it is possible to achieve this feature without typesense. Because the typesense’s word tokenizer is not well supported for CJK character systems.

Currently full text search is only supported with Typesense.


Now that I’ve tested it out with Typesense again - some comments are indexed, some are not…
I’m talking about comments that were there for couple of days already.
There’s no consistency from what it seems.

But… Maybe it’s because I’ve just restarted the instance and Typesense.
When I edit the task with the comment - the task with comment starts appearing in search results.
Perhaps I need to manually run indexing command upon Vikunja container start.

Hi, I also tested the typesense, but there are some problems with searching because the default setting of word segmentation in typesense is not supported for Chinese. Also, I tried adding the locale parameter in the source code according to the doc link (Tips for Locale-Specific Search). Then I rebuilt the Docker image and retested, but the searching result remains somewhat unstable. So I quit the typesense and went back to sqlite only :slight_smile: .

If you set up Typesense for the first time, you’ll need to reindex all tasks into Typesense. When running, it will only sync updated tasks into Typesense as they are changed.

Did you reindex?

Hi, yes, I reindexed using the index command. I also tested the typesense searching in the English language. After index, the comments can be searched, which I think the pipeline is no problem. But the searching result is annoying because of the inherent fuzzy searching logic. For example, the below screenshot pics are searching results for the query words, and the red box indicates a false-positive match result.