Hi, first of all thanks for this wonderful project that brings my dream project management capability into open source world. I’ve made an one-time donation on GitHub to support the project. Thanks for this amazing project!
My problem now is about the synchronization with mobile client using CalDav and DAVx5 client. The following error pops up when I trigger the synchronization.
I actually find the reason for that being an unexpected entry in the caldav from Vikunja. There is an additional entry called “projects” (not created by me) showing up at the caldav list that could be added to synchronization. The problem disappears when I unselect it so I think the bug would be why projects is identified as an source of caldav.
Since what I’m having is just a fresh install of Vikunja from docker latest image, I think this should be easily reproducible on any newly installed version of Vikunja.
BTW: I suggest you add the community into the social section of the vikunja main website. It is actually not easy to navigate back to here if I don’t explicitly pay attention to the domain.
Update: Lol, my bad after I find the community section nearby. Maybe it suits better into the social I would suppose since it is equivalent to matrix chat for the communication?
Do you have a saved filter called “projects”? Because saved filters were not loaded - this has been fixed in 7ac2c42e4d. Please check with the next unstable build (should be ready for deployment in ~45min, also on try).
Hi, sorry for replying late since I was pretty occupied last week.
Is there any potential backward compatibility right now to jump between latest and unstable docker image? If not I’ll switch to unstable and provide you with the feedback.