Query for limitations on how many number of cards can be migrated/created per project or per bucket


Are there any limitations as to how many number of cards can be migrated/created per project or per each bucket? For instance, I have a Trello board with 5000++ cards on it and after migrating it to Vikunja, I can’t see anything regardless of what project view I use. This might be related to the other topic I opened (Internal Server Error when viewing project as "List" or "Table" - #5 by LisanAlGaib) but this time, I can’t view it on Kanban as well.

Can you confirm if there is any limitations on the number of cards that might cause any issues in viewing your projects? Thank you.

There is no limit on the number of tasks the migration will import but importing 5000+ tasks will certainly take a while. You may want to check this with the latest unstable build as there have been a number of improvements made to the Trello import, among others you will get a notification when the migration is done.