I’m trying to set up SSO using Authentik - I followed the guide on authentiks page docs.goauthentik.io/integrations/services/vikunja/
(used up my link quota for this post, so here it’s a quote…)
Sadly, I’m running into an error and can’t find any leads about it.
I am receiving this error:
ERROR ▶ openid/GetAllProviders 0e5 Error while getting openid provider authentik Login: Get "https://auth.domain.mine/application/o/vikunja/.well-known/openid-configuration": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Vikunja and Authentik are both running on docker.
Vikunja version is 0.24.2, so I think the patch from here is already included?
I selected the self-signed cert by Authentik as mentioned in the guide and made sure it’s RSA (Based on this)
The config is mounted in the service “vikunja” (image: vikunja/vikunja) under /etc/vikunja/config.yml
I think the mount works, as disabling local leads to a blank login page right now and I can see in n /api/v1/info that openid_connect is enabled, but the providers list is shown as empty .
For reference, here is my entire config.yml (i only configured auth)
enabled: true
enabled: true
- name: "authentik Login".
authurl: https://auth.domain.mine/application/o/vikunja
clientid: <client>
clientsecret: <secret>
Any ideas where I went wrong? Did I miss some steps regarding the certificates?