Error during data import from Vikunja Export (Project view does not exist)

Cannot import data originally exported from Vikunja (same version).

Getting Internal Server error on both try and self-hosted instances:

52f [creating structure] Error while creating structure: Project view does not exist [ProjectViewID: 0]
530 could not insert data: Project view does not exist [ProjectViewID: 0]

Related logs: vikunja_data_import_error_from_vikunja_export_v_latest -

LMK if ZIP would come in handy.

Vikunja: v0.24.1-773-66293795e7 (latest changes from main branch).
Typesense: typesense v27.1
Redis: redis v7.4.0
DB: mariadb vLTS

Does the timestamp here match? Sentry

If this is local time then yes, that’s likely me trying to upload to try instance.

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