E-mail reminders missing image

I am setup via Docker and enabled the mailer with proper SMTP server, and mail is working properly however my emails are missing the Vikunja logo image and instead a broken image link shows.

When inspecting the element in Chrome, the related source shows this

<img src="https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/gqhbcngoRKTbtaZVI-bHC2t0qpZPDaLJOs-FH5lt7WtHLhjhpQlcXWsU13bEdBWsjYKrVzbCwYj5uUYONBqhiOZ3d34P=s0-d-e1-ft#https://todo.mydomain.com/images/logo-full.svg" style="height:75px" alt="Vikunja" class="CToWUd" jslog="138226; u014N:xr6bB; 53:W2ZhbHNlXQ..">

Note that the file it references at the end, the https://todo.mydomain.com/images/logo-full.svg is indeed live and active on that domain and I can browse to it directly.


This looks like this issue: Email notifications sent to gmail accounts are not displaying the Vikunja logo · Issue #25 · go-vikunja/api · GitHub

I’m not quite sure what to do about it.

I have some suggestions - I will post in GitHub issue and continue the conversation there. :slight_smile:

I will also list my ideas here incase someone else comes across this thread.

  1. Although you want to avoid shipping a png just for this, that sounds like it would be the easiest solution and only add a few kb of space to the frontend. I would personally go this route if it was me.
  2. Allowed a user-uploaded image in their settings to be used for their e-mail notifications. Then they can upload whatever image or PNG they want. This would take more code for sure but each user could have their own customized image displayed.
  3. Allow users to set an env variable for “MAILER_LOGO_URL” that points to another URL of a file that they supply themselves. Lazy users could use imgur or something to host and link to a PNG they want to use.
  4. Host a emaillogo.png on https://vikunja.io/ that all the e-mails pull from. This will increase traffic on your server though from all users, including self-hosted that have e-mail reminders setup.
  5. Lastly, just remove the image from displaying on e-mails. Replace w/ just text, or remove that image block altogether? This would be the quickest/easiest way to avoid the broken image, but also the least exciting :wink:

I hope one of these helps!
I would vote for option 1 or option 3, as those would seem easiest to implement and still result in the look/feel you were originally going for.

Should be solved by: