My default is to use keyboard navigation and there are some convenience features that could make this easier in Vikunja. Visually I love the UI, it’s clean and makes relevant information obvious.
As an example, pressing tab when a page loads on lots of websites will pop up a ‘skip to main content’ link. This means that users don’t have to tab through navigation on every page load.
Vikunja already has shortcuts for some navigation actions like going to a particular page. I would find more quick actions useful, like adding a new task to your inbox wherever you are in the system. (If I’m in a meeting I might want to make a note to come back to while I’m in a different project.)
Of all the self-hosted projects I’ve looked at Vikunja ticks the most boxes for me. If I get the time I’m happy to look into implementing some of this / PR.
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You can already do that with the quick actions menu (ctrl + k
then select the “new task” action, which you can also do with the keyboard, then type the task title).
This should respect the configured default project, which it currently doesn’t - that’s a bug. You can use quick add magic to specify a project where the task should be created.
Ahh yes I see - I saw the option in the keyboard shortcuts menu for ctrl + k
but presumed it was primarily search. I can bring up the search and then if I type task, then press Enter I can then add a new task. I’ll typically dump out a bunch of things in a meeting that I need to come back to (Or transient thoughts to come back to), then go to the list after to clean up, add dates, dependencies etc.
The current flow looks like 'quick menu shortcut' > new task > set 'task title' > submit & navigate to the new task
I would like to do 'new task shortcut' -> set 'task title' -> submit & reset form
so that I can add multiple tasks without leaving the page I’m looking at. Then when finished, close the quick-add with esc.
Would you be averse to a PR exploring what this looks like? Perhaps a combination such as ‘q then t’ for ‘quick task’
Are you adding all new tasks to the same project anyway? Then why not just stay in the list view of that project?
I’d love to!
Maybe, maybe not - if I’m talking to someone about a task that’s open on my screen I might want to keep track of things we’re talking about while keeping the current task open. There’s always the option of just opening a new tab I suppose but I want to see if I can make a very light-weight add.
After looking through the code for the current quick-add, I’ve made a PR to use the default project ID rather than the current projectId. Testing, it looks like it was also failing to add a task where the user hadn’t yet loaded a project in the UI, and by using an explicit projectId it now adds the task correctly.
I’m aware I’m very new to this repo. Feel free to merge the PR if helpful, I’d also find it useful to know if I’m missing something in my understanding. (Especially before I try anything more complex haha)
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I’ve just pushed a fix in dc3930cfa7, now when creating a task via quick actions it will correctly use the default project when no other is specified and you’re not viewing a project or task.
Please check with the next unstable build (should be ready for deployment in ~45min, also on try).
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Fix was merged in the following commit: dc3930cfa7.
Works as expected now on try.
Also confirmed to be working with Typesense enabled on same version as try.
Vikunja: v0.24.1-773-66293795e7 (latest changes from main branch).
Typesense: typesense v27.1
Redis: redis v7.4.0
DB: mariadb vLTS
Thank you very much!!!
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