Nested lists for better organizined tasks

Hello team,

I believe it’s going to be an extremely useful feature to be able to nest lists under a given namespace. This way, one can far better organize projects/tasks.


You mean adding a list to a list (as some kind of “sub-list”)?

Currently you can only have one level nesting - each namespace can only contain one level of lists, nothing deeper. Do you mean to break this up?

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Yeah, I mean nested levels of lists (sub-lists, sub-sub-lists, etc…).
This will allow building complex project structure.

That’s quite a complex feature. I thought of implementing this on top of namespaces (nesting namespaces) at some point.
What makes it so complicated is the rights calculations since all lists inherit their rights from their namespace. Theoretically with multiple levels of nested lists/namespaces, this would need to go all the way up the tree to figure out if a user has the right to see a list. This could be improved with some kind of caching, but makes it complex nonetheless.

It may be implemented one day, but I wouldn’t say soon. On the other hand, PRs welcome :upside_down_face:

Well, I don’t think you would need to go all the way up “through” the tree. My limited understanding is that you could just check the rights on the parent root node (whether it’s a namespace or a list). But maybe I’m wrong.

Anyway, I would love to contribute (PR) to your app as I really like it, but I’m actually not a pro. I’m just an enthusiast with very humble programming abilities :slight_smile:

The thing is you’d need to go up the tree until you find a node that has rights to allow or deny the rights for the user. That may be improved with caching or some clever hacks around it, but it is not an easy problem to solve.

Anyway, I would love to contribute (PR) to your app as I really like it, but I’m actually not a pro. I’m just an enthusiast with very humble programming abilities :slight_smile:

Everyone starts as a beginner :upside_down_face:
There are always simple things like improving docs or small design improvements if you want to contribute something.

I registered just to say that i support this feature request :- )


Didn’t I understand correctly that it is impossible to create a subtask for the current task and have it displayed as a child inside?

If that’s what topic about, then requesting too)

I am a newbie to vikunja.
Everything is almost perfect for my needs.
Like iskaza, I’d like to suggest a subtask Checklist feature inside a large task card.

Attached illustrations

You mean something like this? Add multiple "tasks" at once - #5 by adrinux

Or are you looking for task relations?

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Unexpectedly it was there. Thank you very much.

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I realize this is an old discussion but I’m interested to know if there’s been any movement on it. I too am interested in nested tasks. I understand how the permissions could make things difficult, so I’m wondering if there might be a way around the permissions difficulty while still allowing for visual representation of tasks as nested lists? I don’t understand enough of the difficulties of the programming to know what challenges might arise from this feature so I’ll just lay out some of what I would like to be able to do and we can see where the challenges are and maybe work around them?

Let’s say I want to go out to do some shopping. I’m going to stop at the grocery store, the pharmacy, and the bike shop. I have a long list for groceries broken into categories based on where I am in the store and I don’t want see everything at once. So I nest the vegetables, the bulk goods, and the refrigerated section separately so I can choose to see only that at once. All this is nested under grocery. Pharmacy is it’s own nested list. So is the bike shop. Now maybe (and this isn’t a super important feature but it would be neat) there is an item that might be at either the grocery store or the pharmacy and I’m not yet sure which one and I put the same tasks nested under both (but it’s still only one task and if it’s completed in one list it’s completed in the other).

I guess the way my brain works is more of a web instead of a hierarchy and being able to organize things so that their relationship isn’t strictly defined but nonetheless can be grouped and easily regrouped/nested would be very helpful. Maybe I’m just bad at tagging and organization (well this part certainly is true).

I just found the nesting in to be really helpful and trying to use it alongside Vikunja is difficult because they display things differently.

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You should be able to do this with a “real” subtask instead of a checklist. The task has to belong to one list though and it would appear right along the others in the list view. (There’s no way to hide it so that it only shows up as a subtask)

Another way would be to dump everything you need to buy into one list and add labels like “groceries” or “pharmacy” to each item you need to buy. Then you could just filter the list for the label of the shopping you’re doing in that moment.

Sub projects are coming.

I know this is an old thread, just wanted to see what the progress was. I have been using planka for a while and it was not as flexible as i liked, i came across vikunja, the one thing i feel its missing is the ability to have tick list inside a card as it has in planka. Is there a way to achieve this. i use this as a check list for clients needs and make sure staff are doing a what they have said,

That sounds like a prime use case for checklists: Add multiple "tasks" at once - #5 by adrinux

Another option would be subtasks, but that depends on the level of detail these tasks need to have.

Apologies, I did not read that thread properly, That works.
I work in finance and I’m trying to get a system that all the office staff use. It looks like this could be the option.
Thanks for all the hard work


This is a comment from 2023-06. I’m still looking forward to seeing the progress of this project

What exactly are yo looking for? Checklists or sub projects?

The last unstable build already has deeply nestable projects.

Checklists, actually. We can add sublists in the parent task entry. Actually, If the description support checklist, the problem can also be resolved.