I am trying to log in to the Vikunja - Gitea git repo to open an issue around the Helm Chart but there seems to be some issue with registering.
I said to log in using my git credentials and this is what I get:
I am trying to log in to the Vikunja - Gitea git repo to open an issue around the Helm Chart but there seems to be some issue with registering.
I said to log in using my git credentials and this is what I get:
What’s your username on the Gitea instance?
We have a spam problem and the only real solution is to manually enable accounts after creation.
Oh that’s is an annoying problem to have!
My git user name is camrossi I tried to login from Git so hopefully you can see it easily!
Thank you!
huh I did not find a user with that name. Can you check if you can actually log in with that name?
I’ve enabled your account now, please check again!
It works now thanks!
To avoid opening a new task, could I ask for account activation as well?
Username: taskmaster
@taskmaster I’ve enabled your account now!
With at least one other account approval request hidden in Feature Requests (How to register for Vikunja gitea?), would a pinned post make sense here?
Please enable mine as well: belidzs
Enabled your account!
Please activate my account as well: andileni
I’ve enabled your account @andileni
Can you also activate my account: DBaakman
Should be enabled now @DBaakman
Please activate me: ElectricCookie
@ElectricCookie Your account is now enabled
Please enable my account when you get a chance: jrucker
(for clarification, the only thing I’m looking for is a way to be notified when there is a new release. It doesn’t look like releases are being included on the github mirror, only tags. If there’s a way for releases to be mirrored over there, I think it would save people like me a lot of headache)