Kolaente.dev git repo: Sign In Prohibited

I am trying to log in to the Vikunja - Gitea git repo to open an issue around the Helm Chart but there seems to be some issue with registering.

I said to log in using my git credentials and this is what I get:

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What’s your username on the Gitea instance?

We have a spam problem and the only real solution is to manually enable accounts after creation.

Oh that’s is an annoying problem to have!
My git user name is camrossi I tried to login from Git so hopefully you can see it easily!

Thank you!

huh I did not find a user with that name. Can you check if you can actually log in with that name?

Seems comes in as Camillo :slight_smile:

I’ve enabled your account now, please check again!

It works now thanks!

To avoid opening a new task, could I ask for account activation as well?
Username: taskmaster

@taskmaster I’ve enabled your account now!

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With at least one other account approval request hidden in Feature Requests (How to register for Vikunja gitea?), would a pinned post make sense here?

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Please enable mine as well: belidzs

Enabled your account!

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Please activate my account as well: andileni

I’ve enabled your account @andileni

Can you also activate my account: DBaakman

Should be enabled now @DBaakman

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Please activate me: ElectricCookie :slight_smile:

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@ElectricCookie Your account is now enabled

Please enable my account when you get a chance: jrucker
(for clarification, the only thing I’m looking for is a way to be notified when there is a new release. It doesn’t look like releases are being included on the github mirror, only tags. If there’s a way for releases to be mirrored over there, I think it would save people like me a lot of headache)