Since the last time I checked here I stumbled upon some new info regarding recognition of dates and date ranges. So this is a bit off-topic (since the thread is more about labels, namespaces, …).
So regarding date recognition: In general it’s really hard to do this well. The best known way is to use NLP for which there are different options. This is generally a hard thing to do and it depends on the language. There are really good server side libraries available but we would like to be able to do this offline as well. This means that the recognition needs to happen in a library within a reasonable size limit. While not perfect I think chrono might fit for our purpose. It doesn’t support all languages that Vikunja does so it is a compromise. Speaking of the latter there is also the compromise library. It’s really an amazing piece of software. Sadly the multi lange support is even more limited (e.g. de-compromise just began). There are a few other packages but I couldn’t find any better that suits our purpose.
It would be interesting to know if the Todoist web app is able to recognise dates when offline @bolgrov (not the native / mobile app, because there file size isn’t such a big problem). I would expect them to use something like spaCy which afaik can’t be used only with a browser. With the massive progress of machine learning in the recent years / months there might be even better solutions lurking inside huggingface models. Even if true they will probably be way to large to use in the frontend only.
CC: @kolaente